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The guy sitting next to you on the train uses cocaine, he took it to get himself going this morning; or the driver of the bus you’re taking home, he wants to put in some overtime without feeling the cramps in his neck. The people closest to you use coke. If it’s not your mother or father, if it’s not your brother, then it’s your son. And if your son doesn’t use it, your boss does. Or your boss’s secretary, but only on Saturdays, just for fun. And if your boss doesn’t, his wife does, to let herself go. And if not his wife, then his lover — he gives her cocaine instead of earrings, in place of diamonds. And if they don’t, the truck driver delivering tons of coffee to cafés around town does; he wouldn’t be able to hack those long hours on the road without it. And if he doesn’t, the nurse who’s changing your grandfather’s catheter does. Coke makes everything seem so much easier, even the night shift. And if she doesn’t, the painter redoing your girlfriend’s room does; he was just curious at first but wound up deep in debt. The people who use cocaine are right here, right next to you. The police officer who’s about to pull you over has been snorting for years, and everyone knows it, and they write anonymous letters to his chief hoping he’ll be suspended before he screws up big time. Or the surgeon who’s just waking up and will soon operate on your aunt. Cocaine helps him cut open six people a day. Or your divorce lawyer. Or the judge presiding over your lawsuit; he doesn’t consider it a vice, though, just a little boost, a way to get more out of life. The cashier who hands you the lottery ticket you hope is going to change your life. The carpenter who’s installing the cabinets that cost you a month’s salary.

Coca plant transplant

So, our coca bush seedlings have sprouted and reached the age of three months. It’s time to plant them in separate pots. It’s best to start in a small pot, wait until the plant is rooted and doing well, then you can repot it in a larger pot. But don’t keep coca in a small pot for too long, as this can stunt growth and cause the roots to absorb moisture quickly, which in turn will cause the soil to dry out.

Growing and preserving coca seeds

When the coca plant is about 18 months old, it will begin to bloom, yellow-white flowers will begin to appear. Coca plants are both male and female, but cannot self-pollinate. Another plant is needed for pollination. This means that two cuttings taken from the same parent plant will not be able to pollinate each other.

The Coca Homegrowers Guide

By increasing tourism to Latin America, many people have experienced the stimulating and healing effects of the Coca plant. It is obvious that some of these people want to possessuch a miraculous plant. Many attempts were made to grow a Coca plant indoors, but just a few succeeded. Only some universities withexperienced botanists were capable to cultivate Coca plants. None of this knowledge has ever been published.
However, the number of people that are successfully growing a Coca plant with much joy and satisfaction is increasing.
Within the pages of this book the reader will find information pertaining to the home cultivation of the Coca plantand other related topics. A Coca plant can live for about 60 years, and in all this time she will please you with her beautiful appearance and provide an abundance of tasty and healthful leaves.

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